Swine Discovery Day - College

How was the 1st edition of SDD successful?

Through a collaboration between The Ohio State University and The University of Minnesota, 19 students participated in the first Swine Discovery Day. After the day-long event students completed a post-survey to see if SDD had changed their perceptions of the swine industry and career related opportunities.

"This was one of the most educational activities I have participated in. I had so much fun today that if given the opportunity to do it again I would. The speakers were diverse and presented information that I will carry with me for my future career."
- Participant of OSU Swine Discovery Day.

"This was super informative and defintely a positive experience that made me more likely to consider working in the swine industry in the future."
Participant of OSU Swine Discovery Day.

     Participants visited the Western Agricultural Research Station, where they were able to tour the facilities and learn about swine production.The group of mentors and participants examined and discussed different cuts of pork. 









Sign up for the next Swine Discovery Day and see how you too can learn and get involved!

How much do I need to invest to participate?
Registration for Swine Discovery Day is free!
Participation on Swine Bootcamp is not only free, but comes along with a $500 award and expenses covered! If you attend Swine Discovery Day you will have a chance to get 1 out of the 5 spots! - Stay tuned for more information!